Social Membership Please complete and submit the below form to apply for Social Membership. Membership period * The membership year runs from the 1st September to 31st August each calendar year. Social - 2 years $5 Social - 5 years $15 Date of application Personal details Title Name * First Name Last Name Date of Birth Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Mobile * Email * Emergency contact In the event of an emergency who would you like us to contact? Name * Relationship * Phone * Have you been a member of MGSCC before, Golf, Disc Golf or Social? * Yes No Have you ever been refused membership or been suspended from this or any other club? * Yes No Agreement I, above mentioned name wish to become a member of Marrickville Golf Club Ltd, and agree to pay all subscription fees to maintain my membership at Marrickville Golf Club by their due date. Failure to pay membership fees may result in cancellation of your membership. I agree to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Club and if applicable the Rules of Golf. I commit to a full Membership year and payment of subscriptions and associated fees for the category noted above or for the selected category of membership at subsequent renewals. (Year runs 1st Sept - 31st Aug). * Agree Disagree Thank you for your application to become a social member at our community club. A member of our team will make contact shortly to collect your payment information.Thank you for choosing Marrickville Golf Sporting & Community Club!